Tower of Babble

Build a tower using the power of your voice
Project Overview
Have you ever been to an arcade and seen one of those block stacking machines? What if instead of blocks you stacked words, words that you say. In this project the user dictates words into a microphone, which is then picked up by the project and turned into stackable words. The goal is to create the tallest tower you can without it tipping over. The development for this project was difficult at first because I had never done anything in p5.js so I was walking into new territory. Thankfully tons of people before me have done similar things before so I had a trove of things to look through. I was able to cobble together the exact thing I had envisioned, this project gave me confidence to try making things even if you don’t exactly know what you’re doing.
What went in
When it was made
This p5 sketch works best in Google Chrome
Development builds
Interact with them by clicking or speaking.