USAGundamStore Redesign

A more beginner friendly take on a popular hobby shop
Project Overview
I like to build miniature scale robots and USAGundamStore is my go to online store for that stuff. The website however, is just cluttered with huge ads and is just hard to use unless you know exactly what you want. I redesigned it, and before I started I had to explain what Gunpla (miniature scale robots) is to multiple people who didn’t know. It made me realize that I should design the site with newcomers to the hobby in mind, since it is a pretty niche hobby. To the home page I added a short section with a definition of Gunpla to explain to new people what it is. Below that is a section of popular kits to show the spectrum of available kits that are out there, there is a Gunpla model for everyone. I understand that the names of these kits can be confusing to new people so I even added a page to explain the basics of the Gunpla hobby. I implore you to bring up on another tab and compare it to my website to see the differences.
What went in
When it was made